paul frank is my friend

New Layout Credits To: aoi_sama

YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT 8D (Romaji Lyrics at bottom)

Nyappy In The

World o(≧∀≦)o

By: アンティック-珈琲店-

お星様キラキラでー 願い事を叶えるために
流れ星を探して 見つからずに石ころ投げた

今の気分 unnyappy 胸に手を当ててみたら

遠くても 離れても 一人じゃない
明日が不安で見えなくて 自信を失ってる時には
さぁ みんなで唱えよう 奇天Let'sな呪文

てぃ羅魅酢 (てぃらみす) o(≧∀≦)o (にゃっぴー) 鳩 (ぽっぽぉー)
鳩 o(≧∀≦)o てぃ羅魅酢

願い事は沢山で 夢見る事で現実逃避
想うだけは簡単で 運命は掴みとらなきゃ

どこまでも限りなく 続く僕らの夢への想い
果たすのは困難で だけど負けない
さぁ みんなで唱えよう 奇天Let'sな呪文

てぃ羅魅酢 o(≧∀≦)o 鳩
鳩 o(≧∀≦)o てぃ羅魅酢

てぃ羅魅酢 o(≧∀≦)o 鳩
鳩 o(≧∀≦)o てぃ羅魅酢
てぃ羅魅酢 o(≧∀≦)o 鳩
鳩 o(≧∀≦)o

遠くても 離れても 一人じゃない
明日が不安で見えなくて 自信を失ってる時には
さぁ みんなで唱えよう 奇天Let'sな呪文

悲しみの涙はやがて 心の芽を咲かせるだろう
やがて芽は夢の木になり 皆に愛を振りまくだろう


The stars sparkle So that your wishes can be fulfilled
I searched for a shooting star Without finding one I threw a rock

Right now I feel unnyappy If I hit my hand to my chest
The baby cries with a ogya "Tekesuta" raising its first cry

This world is connected with the blue sky and everyone is alive
Even if you're far Even if you're seperated You're not alone
When you can't see tomorrow because of uncertainties and when you lose self-confidence
Saa everyone let's sing the incantation Kiteretsu

Tiramisu Nyappy Poppo-
Poppo- Nyappy Tiramisu

I have a lot of wishes When I dream I run away from reality
Just thinking about it is easy I have to grab a hold onto my fate

No matter where without a limit These thoughts continue towards our dreams

The end is difficult, but we won't lose
Also to weak self, goodbye to running away
Saa everyone let's sing the incantation Kiteretsu

Tiramisu Nyappy Poppo-
Poppo- Nyappy Tiramisu

Tiramisu Nyappy Poppo-
Poppo- Nyappy Tiramisu
Tiramisu Nyappy Poppo-
Poppo- Nyappy

This world is connected with the blue sky and everyone is alive
Even if you're far Even if you're seperated You're not alone
When you can't see tomorrow because of uncertainties and when you lose self-confidence
Saa everyone let's sing the phrase Kiteretsu

Sadness and tears will eventually make bloom the sprout in my heart
Eventually the sprout will become the dream's tree And scatter love on everyone